Thursday, April 5, 2012

Interview with Ikey

I recently got to sit down and interview a local rapper who attends Allegheny College.  His name is Alex Isenberg and he goes by Ikey.  Below you can read the interview that I had with him:

1. How did you get started with the rapping idea?
A: It was a funny story because it all began when my mom got me into poetry in my Elementary years.  I liked poetry and in the 4th grade one of my teachers entered one of my poems into a contest and it won.  The prize was to internationally published and it was on Page 1.  From there I wrote poetry through high school, but I kept it to myself except from my friends.  This continued and when I was a Senior one of my buddies said that the poetry would be better with a beat.  I put it to a beat and it led into making songs.  This continued to the purchase of recording equipment.
2. Who are some of your greatest influences musically?
A: When I was younger I liked Nas and Eminem, but with the lyrical content my parents would not allow it, just like a lot of parents.  But the thing was, I didn't like it because of the swearing, I liked the musicality of it.  I enjoyed the storytelling raps and that has transgressed today with rappers such as J. Cole and Big Sean.
3. With the recent successes from other Pennsylvania, specifically Pittsburgh, rappers like Mac Miller and Wiz Khalifa, does that add pressure to you, or fuel you?  Dealing with white rapper stereotype?
A: To be honest, I don't want to and I stay away from those comparisons.  The difference is that from the beginning with those two guys, they already had people behind them to give them support and money to benefit for their projects.  Meanwhile, I am doing it for the enjoyment with no big people behind me to support me.  With the question of the stereotype, I just want to make my own.  I want to step out from the terrible upbringing to success. I want to make my own and establish myself as a musician.  This also shows that I have something else to fall back on, not like the other stereotypical rappers who need this to succeed in life.

4. What have been some of your greatest accolades so far as a musician?  Which were the greatest in your mind?  What kind of things would you want to add in the future (i.e. record deal, etc.)?
 A:  There are two separate things that come to mind.  The first is a scholarship that I was offered from a place with the major person who has danced with Michael Jackson, which alone was amazing.  The second thing was a little kid actually asked me to perform at his birthday party.  From these two things, the future is similar.  I want to have one world tour.  I want this to experience the feeling of seeing the people in the crowd getting into my music on an international level, which is an amazing thing to think about.

5. Now that you are an Allegheny student after transferring here from Georgetown, you made "Gator Bounce." Do you find a great connection here than before and what is the importance of "Gator Bounce"?
A: In all actuality in Georgetown I made a similar track titled "Hoya Stand Up."  It again was like "Gator Bounce," it was a team song.  The importance of it is, when you have a song that is directly connected to you, you keep it closer to yourself and it means more to you than any other track.  This is what I wanted and plus I just wanted to do it for fun.  On the other hand, it did provide me with a good transition to the school and show that the sense of a belonging I wanted as the new guy at the school.

6. So you are having a show tonight at Sportsgarden, is there anything special you do before a show, like a routine?
A: Well at first I begin by listening to my instruments and working on mixing my dance into the show, which I commonly do.  Something new in this show is the incorporation of my own DJ.  On the other hand, this DJ is one of my buddies and I think that the relationship we have will show something special in the show.  After that I cap it off with a prayer and two shots.  Then, it's gametime!

7. From the time you walk on the stage to the point you walk off, what is the greatest gratification that you receive from any show?
A: The greatest thing that I get from any show is seeing people in the crowd sing along.  When I see the whole crowd going crazy to a song it makes me feel like I am not performing to them, instead we are performing together with everyone.  Another thing that is great to see is all the people that were there from the beginning to now.  Seeing these people in the environment from where it was a "possibility" to an "actuality" is one of the greatest things ever.
- You mentioned your parents before, do they usually attend your shows?
A: My parents have been to every single show I have had, regardless of the location.  However this show tonight will be the first show that they will miss because of my sister recently getting surgery.  My parents asked me if I wanted one to come, but I said no and that it was more important to stay with my sister.

8. So, in the future, what should listeners expect from Ikey?
A: Well some of the things that I have planned is a collabo with Ray J, which I am really excited for and it looks like I am going to be having a small college tour soon.  along with that I am going to be opening for Modsun for one of his shoes and I got an internship for dance, which will take a big chunk of time during this summer.  But besides that I just want to keep evolving and changing.  I don't want to fall into a certain style or sound.  With every song I am completely involved and I am always happy with the final product.  I never give anything under 100 %.  In my mind, this mindset involves the next thing not sounding anything like the thing before - always give a chance to something different.
9. Where can listeners to Ikey and viewers of the website find some of your previous work?
A:  People can find some of my past work on by typing "Ikey" into the search bar.  On this website you can download my most recent mixtape "High Street Chillin," along with some of some of my other singles.  Furthermore, you can go to and look at all of the stuff that he has done.

10. How could someone get in contact with you, be it for a show or antything else?
A: You can reach me through email with or twitter as @therealikey
11. Finally, I asked this on the last interview with Kid Klash, but if you could pick any major record label/group who would you dream to sign with?
A: Oh man, that's a great question, but I would have to say G.O.O.D. Music.  I say that b/c they just represent everything that I strive to be and tell a story in my raps and not just talk about cars, women and all the other stereotypical rap topics.
Below you can watch one of Ikey's acoustic rap videos.  The video is amazing and hopefully more from Ikey will come in the future.  As mentioned above, you can go to those websites to download some of his previous work and support him.  All-in-all, let's hope for big things from another Pennsylvania rapper in the future:

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